On Demand CPD

We offer over forty hours (and growing!) of on demand CPD recordings, all with a specific focus on improving pedagogy and practice in developing metacognition and self regulation in learners. The content is taken from workshops and key notes at our recent Festival of Metacognition conferences, as well as from webinars we have hosted over the last few years.

Accessible to all Thinking School Network members as part of the membership or as a paid for standalone package, this curated library of video recordings is an excellent resource for schools wanting to offer a professional development that can be accessed by staff at a time of their own choosing.

A sample of selected resources:

For full access to all of our recordings, including copies of presentations and resources, become a member of the Thinking Schools Network


Designed for primary school and KS2 leaders. This short webinar will highlight the powerful effect and how to use metacognitive tools to benefit learners as they prepare for their SATs. 

Lorna Gardiner & Arabella Northey.

Charles Dickens School, Kent, recently achieved formal accreditation as a Thinking Schools with the University of Exeter. In this webinar, colleagues share their journey in building a culture of metacognition and self-regulation throughout the school.

Kristy Harrison, DHT & Alastair Weller AHT, Charles Dicken School, Kent. Dr. Dave Walters, University of Exeter

An insightful workshop into the power of Thinking Moves.

  • Modelling how it can be used in teacher-student interactions
  • Giving you 3 easy takeaways to use in the classroom next week.
  • How the Thinking Moves framework can enhance written feedback and student reflection.

Maria Coyle, Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College

  • What oracy means in a classroom context.
  • What is oracy’s importance and impact?
  • How can oracy be developed successfully?What is oracy’s connection with metacognition 

Gemma Aukett, Thinking Lead, Gordon’s Senior School and Emma Clark Headteacher, Elworth Hall Primary School.

If your school is exploring Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction you may be thinking ‘what comes next?’ This recording explores Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction, looks at how the principles are woven into the Thinking School approach to wholeschool metacognition and examines how teachers can build on the principles to develop truly independent learners. 

Dave Harvey, Assistant Head Teacher, Leventhorpe Academy

Festival of Metacognition Workshops:

James provides an overview of self-regulated learning, exploring theory, evidence and practice relating to three powerful, related ideas: metacognition, self-regulation and oracy.

Dr. James Mannion

From research in psychology, neuroscience, linguistics and education, we now know that the acquisition and use of spoken language is closely linked to the development of young people’s skills in learning and reasoning. An important aspect of this concerns their ability to become more metacognitively and metalinguistically aware – and their teachers can play an important role in this development. Prof. Mercer explains why this is the case and uses evidence from schools-based research to set out some practical implications for classroom practice and curriculum design.

Prof. Neil Mercer

This workshop explores the concept of the teacher as cognitive coach and the key skills involved. 
  • Applying the seven-step model for explicitly teaching metacognitive strategies as recommended by the EEF.
  • Unpacking the use of planning or generative questions to deepen student understanding.
Lorna Gardiner & Arabella Northey, Thinking Matters
  • Why and how metacognition can be used to enhance the curriculum; our school journey
  • Methods for using thinking routines and practices in the core curriculum
  • Enhancing the foundation curriculum with thinking routines
  • The impact of having a metacognitive approach on task design and pupils’ learning

Aerfen Mills & Sandy Evans, Colyton Primary School

  • Maximising use of cognitive load and metacognition – how to train use of load in the classroom when learning new information
  • Metacognition and feedback – how do we nurture the best kind of meta-cognition when giving feedback (this will involve some reflective exercises of how teachers current feedback might already be shaping metacognition in their class)
  • The impact of instructions on metacognition – how what we say and the guidance we give, can change how metacognition happens

Dr. Rachel Avery 

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