TSN Membership
Become a member of the Thinking Schools Network (TSN) ... pay a small charge to become a premium member which offers the full range of features and benefits listed below and which can also be seen in the video link.
Membership Benefits:
Pricing of the TSN premium membership is dependent on a number of factors, including the number of pupils in your school and the features you anticipate using. Typically it comes in at around £1/pupil with a minimum of £250/school and maximum of £1,500 (+vat) per 12 months or pro rata amount to the end of the academic year.
The value of the benefits far outweigh the membership fee..
Secondary School in Hertfordshire
Networking Events
- One FREE ticket to each of our Festival of Metacognition conferences on metacognition and self-regulation
- Invitation to TSN Metacognition Meets (Regional Event) – an in-person opportunity to meet and network with your local Thinking Schools. Half-day
- One Free Ticket to termly TSN Drive Team Meetings – an opportunity to attend topical, online discussions with fellow TSN Members
Tools & Resources
- Planning, monitoring and evaluating templates
- Unlimited staff access to TSN Resource Library
- Full access to a range of classroom resources that are selected for their accessibility and usefulness
- Unlimited staff access to TSN Communications – filtered research, TSN best practice and ideas, webinars & updates
- Unlimited student access to ‘Adventures in Metacognition‘ lesson plans and materials
- Annual Licence to use Thinking Frames including unlimited staff & student access to Digital Thinking Frames app
- Complimentary use of Meta Mirrors for one year group, for one year.
- 10 complimentary Youth Motivational Maps and a free accompanying workshop on their use.
- Complimentary access to our University of Exeter Accreditation software
- Use of TSN Logo – for school website and marketing materials
Professional Development
- 2 hours complimentary advisory consultation from TM consultancy
- Complimentary Thinking School Induction Programme – for all new staff joining your school
- 20% discount on Thinking Matters’ professional development training
- 15% discount on Thinking Matters’ ‘Cognitive Coach Course’
- 15% discount on Thinking Matters ‘Metacognitive Tools for SEND Course’
- 15% discount on Thinking Matters’ Partner’s Training
Community Engagement
- Connectivity to other schools within the Thinking Schools Network.
- Online Parent Workshops: practical tips for parents to support their children’s thinking & self regulation
- Introduction to Metacognition Workshops for governors and trustees
- TSN Jobs: Share your vacancies across the Thinking Schools Network
If you want to find out more about the features in the membership of the Thinking Schools Network, please contact us.