Our group is seeking to develop more independent learners

If the vision for your school group involves developing independent learners, who know both how to learn and how to apply that knowledge of learning to their school careers and beyond, then we offer a range of services to support you in delivering on that vision.

We offer a Training of Trainers model that typically takes members from the central T&L team and a small number of staff from each school in your group and trains them to disseminate a common pedagogical approach to developing metacognitive, self-regulating learners across your trust. Contact us to explore how we jointly design a plan that’s right for you.

Training of Trainers

Contact us to for a conversation with one of our expert consultants, who will help you explore how we can support your aspirations in group-wide development of independent learning behaviours

Leadership Advisory Support

Leadership consultancy and programmes of training tailored to your needs, We take the evidence of what works and put it in the hands of educators

Core Approach (School Groups)

In-depth, personalised and sustainable implementation and training plans for Trusts and Federations

Student Workshops

In-person workshops for students, applying the Science of Learning to enhance study and revision for KS3 and KS4/5

Our group is looking to offer staff training in metacognition and self-regulation

If you run professional development across your group of schools and have a member or members of staff who are wanting to develop their practice in teaching metacognition and self-regulation then we have an interactive, online ‘Cognitive Coach Course’ that offers those staff members with an accredited development programme that will transform their practice.

Cognitive Coach Course

Talk to an expert

Our group is looking to monitor the impact it is having on developing metacognition, self regulation and intelligent learning behaviours

Digital Learner Profiling made easy

A metacognitive tool designed to transform your pupils’ intelligent learning behaviours.

  • Create digital portfolios for your school’s specific learner profile or enrichment programme 
  • Measure and show yourselves, parents, trustees and inspectorates the impact you are having on your learner’s key skills
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