Whole School Professional Development

Schools typically tailor professional development plans using elements from our ‘Temple Menu’.  For schools that are new to implementing metacognition and self-regulation at a whole-school level, we often recommend starting with our Core Approach. When effectively embedded, this approach provides a strong foundation and positions schools well to achieve Thinking School accreditation from the University of Exeter.

Our ‘Core Approach’ consists of the equivalent of five full training days (over a period of months/years) with a combination of your ‘Drive Team’ or whole staff and the support of one of our consultants working with you throughout. The training can be delivered both online and/or on-site to suit your setting and budget.  SEE FULL DETAILS

Whole School Professional Development Courses - from the 'Temple Menu':

We offer an extensive suite of training for whole school development.  Explore our Temple Menu to see what’s on offer, including the courses listed below. Contact and/or call us to discuss your training/development needs.

This course provides an introduction to key research in the field of Oracy and explores a variety of metacognitive tools and strategies. It includes practical approaches to collaborative group work that can be used to enhance oracy skills throughout the school.  SEE FULL DETAILS

This course aims to explore the nature of critical thinking skills and provides practical ideas for how a range of metacognitive tools may be utilised in the classroom to build mastery of critical thinking across your whole school.  SEE FULL DETAILS

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to discuss any area of whole school professional development
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