East Belfast Thinking Schools Collaboration Project

Over the last 12 months, Thinking Matters designed and facilitated a bespoke online programme to meet the needs of a group of primary schools in East Belfast. Utilising funding provided by the Education Authority for collaborative professional learning, seven schools participated in this year-long Collaboration Project which provided An Introduction to Whole School Metacognition and Visual Tools.

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What a Difference a Year Makes!

Thinking Matters Consultant, Lorna Gardiner, recently met with Angela Sandow, Headteacher and Bex White, Assistant Headteacher and Drive Team Leader at Saxon Way Primary School to find out how they have taken forward the Thinking School approach during their first year and what impact they are seeing to date.

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Young Plato

A film documentary by Neasa Ní Chainaín and Declan McGrath

A review by Lorna Gardiner, Consultant, Thinking Matters

Kenneth Branagh’s film ‘Belfast’ has received much critical acclaim and box office success, but another recently released film based in the city of Belfast is also worth a watch – especially for anyone interested in education.

Young Plato is an observational documentary which tells the story of a dedicated and charismatic school principal, Kevin McArevey, who introduced the teaching of Philosophy as a way of encouraging students to think critically and creatively, outside their existing community mindsets.

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Fear is the Mind Killer

‘Fear is the Mind Killer: Why Learning to Learn Deserves Lesson time – and how to make it work for your pupils’ By Dr James Mannion and Kate McAllister (2020), published by John Catt.

A book review by Dr Dave Walters, BA Ed Hons, MPhil Ed, EdD

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Thinking for the Future

East Sheen Primary School was re-accredited as a Thinking School in March 2021 while the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic continued to require us all to think flexibly, think together and listen with understanding and empathy.

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