Core Approach

Schools that are new to developing metacognition and self-regulation at a whole-school level often ask us for a clear starting point. Our Core Approach is the recommended pathway.  When effectively implemented, it securely embeds the development of metacognitive, self-regulated learners and lays a solid foundation for schools to confidently pursue Thinking School accreditation through the University of Exeter.

Our Core Approach offers the equivalent of five full training days, delivered over an extended period (months or even years), combining sessions with your ‘Drive Team’ and/or whole staff. Throughout the process, one of our experienced consultants will provide ongoing support tailored to your setting. Training can be delivered online, on-site, or through a blend of both—designed to fit your budget and needs.

The table below outlines a suggested whole-school progression over up to 24 months, illustrating one possible route to introducing and embedding a comprehensive strategy for developing metacognitive and self-regulated learners—ultimately leading to accreditation as a Thinking School.

This tailored programme of support compliments the strategies outlined in the EEF’s Guideline report on Implementation –  find out more about how this is achieved here.

Contact us

if you would like to discuss if the Core Approach is right for you
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