Developing Oracy in Meta-learners
Full Course
Online or In- person
This course offers an overview of research in this field and introduces a range of metacognitive tools and strategies, including collaborative group work approaches, which can be used to stimulate oracy skills across both primary and secondary schools.
Course Dates
Courses will take place during throughout year, to be agreed with the school pending Thinking Matters Consultant availability.
The links between language and thinking are well-documented and it is thus important that oracy skills are explicitly addressed alongside cognitive skills for students who are developing as ‘meta-learners’. The many benefits for individuals of sharing ideas and working collaboratively – or ‘interthinking’ – include clarifying their own thinking, building upon and extending their ideas and enriching their knowledge. This course offers an overview of research in this field and introduces a range of metacognitive tools and strategies, including collaborative group work approaches, which can be used to stimulate oracy skills across the school.
This course is designed for Primary and Secondary schools who are interested in exploring the links between oracy and metacognition and in how specific tools and strategies can be used ‘whole school’ to support the development of language skills and of metacognition and self-regulated learning for all learners.
The training will be facilitated by an experienced TM consultant and the format will include a combination of presentation, practical activities and opportunity for sharing practice and for discussion and reflection.
It may be facilitated either:
– in-person as full day staff training OR
– Facilitated with the staff as 3 x 90-minute online sessions.
N.B. If opting for the online version, it is recommended that participants login to individual devices with working microphones and cameras to maximise opportunity for engage in practical activities and participation in discussion.
Participants will receive a TM certificate on completion of the course.
In-Person Full day: £1,000 (+vat & travel);
Online Course: £800 (+vat)
20% Discount available for Members of the Thinking School Network
In addition to the training, delegates will also receive all required resources and access to bespoke consultant advice via telephone or email during the programme.
“Oral language approaches have a high impact on pupil outcomes of six months’
additional progress. Very high impact for very low cost based on extensive evidence.”Education Endowment Fund